Pictures of TTU Advising Center

Author: JRB // Category: ,
In this post you'll see pictures of the Texas Tech University Advising Center front office, where I work. In my class, #mobilerice, I was asked to take some photos of the digital signage used to provide coverage of our continually updated RSS feeds (sources include @g00dAdvice,, CNN, ESPN, the Daily Toreador, TTU Emergency Updates,,,, and the TTU Communications and Marketing Division.

Especially you'll notice the date on some of the crowd pics was January 20, 2009, when Barak Obama was inaugurated as president. We used the live Facebook/CNN feed from their web site, and had a lot of passersby stop between classes (and skip class, admittedly) to experience an historic moment with us. It was really quite exciting to see their interest and to provide them (and all of our staff, too) with a window out of work/school into the rest of our world, all from the TTU Advising Center's front office. Yep, very cool.

1 Response to "Pictures of TTU Advising Center"

Rich Says :
June 20, 2009 at 7:13 PM

Thanks for posting this information. Helpful.

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