Right now it is early on Sunday morning, and for whatever reason, my body woke me up early, and my mind started spinning at 1000 mph. Almost against my own will, I leapt from bed and, having had no Internet available at this particular spot on the earth (we don't have dial-up service at home, through Ttu, no broadband by cable or phone out here, and no cell phone coverage thanks to a nice little bluff that blocks all signal from the closest cell tower ... which isn't at all close, BTW).
Anyhow, it is beautiful out here, the kids and dogs haven't even stirred yet and the gray matter upstairs is firing on all cylinders.
Okay, so i'm trying to figure out how to capture them all as fast as they're coming, using the tools that I have available. As MacGyver looks to his Swiss Army knife, so I look to my ... IPhone. Now, before Apple can fill you with thoughts like, "there's an app for that," I remind you that I have no connection whatsoever and need to capture ideas quickly.
Thanks to 3.0.... I'm not out of luck. This location stuff is great, and I love google webapps optimized for mobile as much as anyone, but what comes to my rescue? VoiceMemo and the hope of future email posting to the blog to get my sharing fix and to record my momentary brilliance for all of eposterity.

Thanks also to an app I downloaded while we waited for dinner to come through that glorious window they built into the side of Taco Villa ... BlogPress!

This stores to the iPhone so I can transcribe the voicememos and then upload when we happen to return to the connected realm.
So I'm posting this now, and will follow it quickly with my voice memos for transcription later as time allows.
Here they come to you ... From the tiniest corner of the dock that is (momentarily) giving me no bars, but still shows a smidgen of an AT&T connection.

Gotta love early morning miracles... Now, just gotta keep from dropping this $300 imiracle gadget in the still beauty that is so mesmirizing out here.

-- Post From My iPhone